
Cederquist represents Polaris Private Equity and Acathia Capital together with a consortium of co-investors on the acquisition of Danica Pension Sweden

Danica Pension Sweden was established in 1999, has around 60 employees and is the sixth largest life insurance company in Sweden with 150,000 retail customers and 15,000 corporate customers.

Cederquist’s team was led by Lars Bärnheim and Maja Wettergren, both partners within M&A, together with associates Viktor Eriksson and Jessica Malhotra. Financing matters was handled by Per Henriksson together with Livet Prause, competition matters was handled by Fredrik Lindblom together with Sanna Widén and financial regulatory matters was handled by Sebastian Sundberg together with Joel Aneheim and Mikael Petersen. A large team of other specialists has also worked with the transaction.

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